hey ppl!
my b'day is in 15 days!
siti's b'day in 12 days!(i think)
meilani's b'day in 3 days!
SIYAO; wow! i did not know that u don't grow smarter n don't know the difference between right n wrong when u r younger than 13!!! thx for the info!
felicia; u r bluefreak right? n how come u know that mrsjtan is busy n all?
did u go to visit her?
i still cant believe that u n emiline ended up in the same class.
emiline is also into HP but she is not mad like me. not the studious type.
hates stress-rather weak.
great netballer though.
her english is superb but maths not bad.
she was n still is my bestest n oldest friends-i do have other 'bestest' friends of course!
meilani has seen emiline-we went for a movie together last year or something.
oh ya- i m having a part b'day party, part get-together on the 9th of feb.
it is on the weekend after chinese new year.
i don't think many of u will be able to make it.
but if u can u can come to my house.
emiline is coming for sure.
SHAREEN; SUBHANI; MEILANI n SITI- pleeease try n come okay?
it is okay if u can't.
loads of ppl r coming.
subhani; your brother is invited too.
there r 3 other kids his age coming i think.
call me for more info-our contact no.s r still there right? emailing me will be better.
We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one,
And Voldy's gone moldy, so now let's have fun!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Peeves' Victory Song.
~love that song~
Sunday, January 27, 2008
1/27/2008 04:41:00 PM
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