Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dear Siyao, this is a letter containing answers to your questions.

1) Rena Baggie School offers a variety of CCAs for your bag. Our very most popular CCAs include : Netball, Tennis, Badminton and Swimming. We encourage all baggies to be able to be agile.

2) Rena Baggie School is located at Baggie Town Street 26 #26-26.

3) Rena Baggie School so far has over 500 baggies, we plan to enlarge or add some more classrooms so that more baggies can be enrolled here.

4) Rena Baggie School has over 50 baggie teachers. Each teacher specializes in a certain subject. Our very most popular baggie teacher is Miss Bagrocks.

5) Rena Baggie School offers a large variety of subjects. Subjects like : English, Maths, Science, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, Bio, Home economics, PE, Art, and many many many many more...

6) Rena Baggie School's baggies all work hard to acheive their goals for PSLE. And so far our highest baggie is Baggurl. She scored 285/300 for PSLE.

7) The classrooms in Rena Baggie School are all very big. Its known to hold a number of 100 baggies in each classrooms.

8) Rena Baggie School starts at anytime the owner would like his/her baggie to learn and the time that school ends is always 10hours after the time the baggie starts to learn each day.

In addition, we cater to lunch and dinner. We also have guestrooms which acts as the hostel in Rena Baggie School.

Yours Sincerely,
Mdm Baggie Tan

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